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Three Kings, One Night (Lost Kings MC #2.5), p.1

Three kings free online movieAutumn Jones Lake

Table of Contents
Notes from the Author
Keep in Touch
A Lost Kings MC Holiday
©2014 Autumn Jones Lake
All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical reviews and certain other noncommercial uses permitted by copyright law. Please do not participate in or encourage piracy of copyrighted materials in violation of the author’s rights. Purchase only authorized editions.
Cover Designed by: Autumn Jones Lake
Formatted by: Autumn Jones Lake
Stock Photo © Poulsons Photography / Dollar Photo Club
Lake, Autumn Jones
Three Kings, One Night (Lost Kings MC, #2.5) / Autumn Jones Lake
THREE KINGS, ONE NIGHT and the Lost Kings MC series is a complete work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, business establishments, events, or locales is entirely coincidental. The publisher does not have any control over and does not assume any responsibility for author or third-party websites or their content.
This book is an original publication of Ahead of the Pack, LLC.
[email protected]
About Three Kings, One Night (Lost Kings #2.5)
This is a collection of three short stories (each one approximately 5,000 words).
Time line:
Both Murphy’s story and Wrath’s story take place in between Parts 1 and 2 of Slow Burn (Lost Kings MC #1)
Z’s story takes place after Corrupting Cinderella (Lost Kings MC #2)
Thank you so much for reading!
P.S. There are two sneak peeks from future Lost Kings MC books waiting for you at the end!
“Bug, hand me that last strand of lights.”
Heidi’s tone makes me tip my head up and I accidentally jam a staple into my thumb. “Fuck, god dammit, Heidi!”
“Oh shit, Blake! I’m sorry.”
I don’t know why something so little hurts so fucking much, but it does. Feeling like an asshole for making such a big deal, I shake it off.
“Are you okay?” she asks.
Now I feel like a jerk for yelling at her. “Yeah, I’m fine. Hand me the lights?”
She does without complaining this time, and I get them tacked up without further injury.
“Shoulda done this a fuckin’ month ago, not Christmas Eve.”
Heidi shrugs. “Grandma always goes out with her friends and then to church. She won’t be back for a few hours.”
Great, just what I need. Alone time with my best friend’s hot, underage sister.
“Where’s your dickhead brother?”
“Said he’d be over with some pizzas in a little bit.”
Thank God.
“Want to come inside and help me hang stuff in there?”
Unfortunately, I do. That’s why I will stay right the fuck out here where it’s cold and we’re in plain sight.
“No,” I bark at her a little harsher than I intended. Her face falls and I want to punch myself.
“Sorry, Bug. I just want to finish this before it gets dark.”
“Okay.” She grabs an armful of garlands and starts twirling them around the porch railings.
“That front step still holding okay?”
Heidi bounces up and down on said step. “Yup.”
Teller and I spent a good chunk of time and money last summer fixing up the outside of his grandmother’s ancient Victorian house. Not that the old bat appreciated it, but Heidi deserved to live somewhere where the front porch wasn’t crumbling apart.
“All right. Go flip the switch for me, Heidi-girl.”
I laugh as she skips up the steps to get the lights. Then I’m blinded by the dozens of LED bulbs that come to life.
The front porch bathed all in white Christmas lights is breathtaking. Spending time with Blake putting them up, has been perfect.
I’ve always been a sucker for Christmas lights. Grandma hates them. Well, she doesn’t like the work, which at her age I understand.
“Thanks for helping me, Blake.”
He rubs a hand over his tidy, ginger beard. “No problem, Bug.”
God, how I hate when he calls me that. “You know what I’d like for Christmas?”
“You to stop calling me bug.”
He cocks his head, studying me before answering. Between his knit cap and facial hair, I can barely see him. “You know you can’t pick your road name. You think I liked getting tagged with Murphy?”
Yes, I think he did like it. “I’m not part of the MC, so I don’t need a road name.”
“You’re MC family.”
Pretending I’m fixing one of the garlands, I reach down and grab a handful of snow and roll it into a quick ball.
“Don’t you dare, Bug.”
The snow makes a nice wet, whapping sound when I peg him in the chest with it.
“Now you’re gonna get it.”
He bends over and starts scooping up a massive amount of snow. No way am I getting pelted with one of his fastballs. Squealing, I turn and run in the opposite direction, around the house.
But Blake knows me too well. He must have gone the opposite way, because when I turn the corner, we collide and go down to the ground in a pile of limbs. Blake lets out a soft whoosh of air when I hit him. His arms instinctively wrap around me to protect me from the fall. I’ve got him pinned under me and I’m laughing so hard I can’t get a breath.
“Damn girl, you’re a friggin’ linebacker.”
“Get off me.”
His arms are still wrapped around me, so I try and wriggle out of his hold. “I can’t. Let go of me.”
A strange look crosses his face, but he lifts his arms, laying them on the ground like he’s about to make snow angels.
He grunts when I use his chest to push myself up.
A wet ball of snow pelts my cheek.
“Dammit, Blake! That went right down my jacket.”
“Let’s get you inside, before you freeze.”
I didn’t want to be alone in the house with Heidi. But it turned out being outside with her was just as dangerous to my sanity.
Having her land on top of me had not improved my mental state at all. It almost made me do something I’d regret. After I get my wet coat off, I turn around and am struck stupid.
Fuck me, what the hell is she wearing?
I’m used to seeing Heidi in baggy flannel shirts, hooded sweatshirts, and crap like that. Can’t leave a sweatshirt around the girl, ‘cause she’ll steal it. I’ve lost too many to her thieving little hands to count over the years.
So when she strips off her big, puffy winter coat, and then her sweatshirt, all she’s left wearing is a long-sleeved thermal shirt. A thin shirt that clings to all the curves I’d been trying damn hard not to notice she’d developed.
A long-sleeved thermal shirt is about to make me lose my mind.
Why me?
“I should get going. Your grandmother will be back soon…”
Heidi turns to glance at the clock, and Christ, I can’t. I just can’t.
“She’s still got a few hours. Come on, I’ll make some tea. At least stay until Marcel gets back. You don’t want to leave me alone on Christmas Eve, do you, Blake?”
Heidi knows me so well. No. I’d never leave her alone. Enough people in her life have left her. I would dearly love to choke my best friend out, though. Where the fuck is he?
At least he’d be a good distraction from being alone with Heidi. I wouldn’t be having all these filthy thoughts in my filthy fucking head if her brother was here with us.
Footsteps thunder up the front porch steps. Thank fuck.
Heidi throws open the door. “Oh my gosh! Axel, what are you doing here?”
Oh, fuck no.
“You’re freezing! Come in, come in,” Heidi squeals.
You’ve gotta be fuckin’ kidding me.
Who’s this punk?
He grins down at Heidi. “I didn’t wanna interrupt you, if you’re doing family stuff, but I wanted to give you this. I’m going out of town with my folks tomorrow.”
Folks? Who says shit like that?
The little shit flicks his eyes in my direction. They widen in surprise. That’s right, take a good look, motherfucker.
Heidi flushes and rushes to explain my presence, which seriously pisses me off. “Axel, this is my brother’s friend…my friend too, Blake. Blake, this is a friend of mine from school, Axel.”
We shake hands and I just barely restrain myself from doing the obvious thing, like trying to crush his girly little fingers.
“You go to school with Bug?”
He frowns and glances at Heidi. “Yeah, I graduate this year.” He nods at my cut. “You in her brother’s MC?”
“Yes.” Gee, he can read. Good for him. “You ride?”
“I have an old bike I’m fixin’ up this winter.”
Heidi interrupts. “It’s gonna be really sweet when he’s done, Blake, you should see it.” Then she does the worst thing. Clapping her hands together, she bounces up and down on her toes, her lovely underage tits bouncing right along.
God help me.
“Oh! Blake, you and Uncle Rock could help him fix it up!” she practically yells, like it’s the greatest idea ever.
It’s not.
Axel is smarter than I want to give him credit for, because he slowly shakes his head. “That’s okay, Heidi.” He glances at me again. Guess he’d like me to leave them alone. Tough shit. Hooking my thumbs in my front pockets I adopt a nice, casual pose that says I ain’t going anywhere.
“Anyway, I can’t stay long, but here.” He shoves a big, shiny package at her.
“Oh! It’s so heavy. Can I open it now?”
A slow grin spreads over Axel’s face. He seems awfully fucking charmed by my little Bug. “Yeah, of course,” he answers.
She squeals and rips the paper to shreds, letting it fall all over the floor. It’s a book. A big, heavy, textbook looking book. What kind of douche gives a girl he’s into a fuckin’ school book?
“Oh my God! Axel, this is so cool!”
The little fuck grins. “It’s the same one they use at Hudson Valley, so you know, you can have a head start on everyone.”
Tears. Actual fuckin’ tears glitter in Heidi’s eyes and I want to gut this kid, but I don’t know why.
“Thank you so much. This is really awesome. Now I’ve got something to read over winter break.” She glances at him shyly, then at me. Well fuck, I guess she’d like me to get lost.
Too bad.
“Umm. Let me grab my coat so I can walk you out, Axel.”
Brushing past me, Heidi sets the book down on her grandmother’s coffee table, then yanks her coat from the rack behind the door.
“I’ll be right back, Blake.”
She takes Axel’s hand and leads him outside.
I’m left with two shitty options. I can follow them out like some creepy old man. Or I can stay inside watching them through the window so I seem even creepier.
Since it’s like twenty degrees out, I assume they’ll keep their clothes on, so I flip the outside light on for them and head into the living room.
Glancing at the book Axel brought, I’m even more confused. Anatomy and Physiology? What the fuck?
“Thanks so much, Axel.”
“No problem. You okay, Heidi?”
I shrug. “Yeah.”
My stomach is flipping like crazy. Axel and I are friends. We were paired up as lab partners in physics class. That’s the only reason our worlds ever intersected. Axel’s a senior. I’m a junior, but taking advanced science. I thought that would intimidate a guy like Axel, but it doesn’t. He’s listened to me yap endlessly about Radiologic Technology, which is what I want to study when I graduate from high school. That’s how he knew I’d like the book so much.
In talking to Axel, I’ve learned how much he likes motorcycles and I’ve been waiting for the right time to introduce him to my brother. Unfortunately he met Blake first. I can’t believe how rude Blake was to one of my friends. He’s never acted like that before.
But then again, I’ve never had a boy friend before.
Not that Axel is my boyfriend. He’s just a friend who happens to be a boy. That’s what I meant.
“I feel bad. I don’t have anything for you.”
Axel grins at me. “That’s okay. I’m just glad I got to see you open it.”
Ohmygod. He’s so sweet! I can not wait to go inside to call Penny and Skye and tell them about this! My best friends think it’s stupid to take Physics, but they’re just jealous of all the time I get to spend with Axel.
I really hate that he has to leave so soon. “Are you doing anything fun for Christmas?”
He shrugs. “We’re going to visit my older sister. Her husband just left and she needs some help with the kids and stuff.”
“I didn’t realize you’re an uncle?”
“Yup,” he answers with a lot of pride in his voice. “Got a niece and nephew. They’re a handful, though. Don’t know how she does it.”
I want to stay out here talking to him longer. All night really. I love talking to Axel. But it’s freezing and I’m pretty sure Blake will flip out if I get in Axel’s car, even if it’s only to talk.
“Can I call you when I get back?” he asks suddenly.
“Yeah. Of course.”
“Cool, maybe we can see a movie or something?” he asks the question casually, but his eyes are drilling into me, waiting for my answer.
“I’d like that.”
He tips his head toward the house. “So, Blake is just a—”
“Family friend,” I answer quickly. “I’ve known him my whole life.”
Axel steps a little closer. His hand reaches out and runs over my hair and I almost faint.
Next thing I know, he’s leaning in close, brushing his lips over my mine, in a soft feathery kiss.
I’m not cold any more.
No way. I’m burning up.
Axel’s hand moves from my hair to the back of my neck as he leans in closer, kissing me harder. His tongue brushes my bottom lip, which makes me gasp. Then he slips inside, licking and tasting. My hands grip his coat, clutching him closer. I want to press every inch of myself against him, but he’s holding himself back.
He pulls away, searching my face. I think he’s worried he did something wrong. I don’t want him to worry. I want him to kiss me some more.
Fisting my hands in his coat, I tug him close again. I want to reassure him that I liked his kiss, and that I want more. But I don’t know what words to use, so I reach up and kiss him. My hands leave his coat and land on the sides of his face, holding him. He responds immediately, stroking his tongue against mine. His hands cup my face, brushing his thumb along my jaw. Oh my god. I want to kiss and lick every inch of him. I want…I want…I d on’t know what I want because I’ve never felt this before. I’ve imagined it. Fantasized about it. But never.
Oh. My. God.
We’re both breathless when he pulls away. It’s so cold I can see our breath. The heat rising between us.
“Heidi? I…don’t want to mess up being friends, but I’ve wanted to do that for awhile.”
My skin tingles. Not from the cold. From his words and the sound of his voice. So sincere, with an edge of roughness. My heart feels like it will burst.
“Me too,” I answer, while looking at the snow under our feet.
His fingers settle under my chin, tipping my head up. “We’ll talk when I get back?”
“Yeah. Definitely.”
He starts walking toward his car, but he looks like he’s having trouble leaving. I know the feeling because I don’t want him to go.
“It’s gonna be crazy…with my family and all…but I’ll try to call you?”
He opens his car door, then slams it shut and jogs over to me. This time he drops a soft, sweet kiss on my lips.
“Merry Christmas, Heidi.”
Heidi’s got me pacing the living room like a lunatic. What the fuck is taking them so long?
Good bye Axel. Get lost.
It’s not that hard.
Even though I swore up and down I wouldn’t, I take a peek out the window, and wish to fuck I hadn’t. It’s dark. But not so dark I can’t see the awestruck expression on Heidi’s face as she skips back up the sidewalk. Something happened.
Thank fuck I didn’t see whatever it was.
I open the door before she even sets foot on the porch, and watch Axel drive away. Heidi turns and waves.
“Everything okay, Bug?”
“Yes,” she answers with a dreamy tone that I’d find charming if I didn’t suspect that horny dickwad was the cause of it.
She slides off her coat and absently bends over to pick up the wrapping paper she’d dropped earlier.
Stop staring at her ass, motherfucker. She’s sixteen.
I glance at the ceiling, because if I try to walk past her and any part of me comes into contact with any part of her, something bad is going to happen.

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Three Kings, One Night (Lost Kings MC #2.5) by Autumn Jones Lake / History & Fiction have rating